Louise Rynehart, Home & Garden Design Consultant.

Louise is the founder of Cerulean Grey, a holistic design consultancy specialising in the homewares industry. She was six years into her UK based freelance design consultancy business when we began working together in 2023.


“Before I started working with Rosie I was very confused.”

“Exhausted from chasing work, I was thinking very small and narrow minded about what opportunities were available to me.”

What did you experience working with Rosie?

“Many lightbulb moments”

“I saw it was possible to juggle a business and my daughter as a single parent. I realised that everything can be figured out and it’s possible to achieve what I wanted.

The biggest win was carving a niche for myself in a busy Industry. I was exhausting myself trying to be everything to everyone.

With Rosie’s guidance I had the confidence to say no to clients that did not fit and chase the clients that excited me.”

What Transformations have you made?

“I gained new clients in a very hard industry.

5 new clients in 6 months during a time that is very hard for freelancers”

How would you describe Rosie?

“Rosie is a realist and understands the industry incredibly well. ”

“She is extremely supportive, very calm and grounded. Plus she’s cool as f**k!”

What would help others in choosing Rosie?

“To be honest, I would only go back to Rosie from now on”

“I had coaching in the past and the whole experience left me feeling like I had be conned.

Rosie has set the bar for what I expect when looking for a coach in the future.

The mix of business knowledge, spirituality and kindness plus Rosie’s incredible coaching skills make her a great coach for female creatives”


Want to make a plan to grow your business?


All images COURTESY OF Cerulean Grey