How this print designer took a big jump from zero to 5 clients in a few months.

Jessica Bucci is a print and textile designer that focuses on children's and baby wear with a speciality in unisex design. She helps modern babywear brands design print collections that are customer-focused and stand out online, so that they can create gender-inclusive products that sell. We began working together in August 2023. Here’s her story…

What was going on in your business & your life when we started working together?

“I didn’t really have a business…I wanted to give freelancing a go.”

I didn't really have a business. I had just been laid off from a big fashion company and was looking to pivot in a new direction. I wanted to give freelancing and go; the idea of working with lots of different brands really appealed to me. I love working from home, I really wanted that freedom.

what concerns did you have about working with ROSIE? What were you hesitant about?

“how viable is this going to be as a career path?”

I was hesitant about the fact that I had worked with small business owners before, and financially, it hadn't been going the best for them. So I wasn't really sure. How viable is this going to be as a career path? I had no idea how freelancing works to be honest, so it was really a mystery, so there was some apprehension around that.

How did you feel after Your first session?

“this could be something that’s possible”

It really reminded me to think about all the work I've done in the past, and where I had gotten myself to so far, because I think when you're working for a company, and you're constantly striving for all these goals, you forget your accomplishments and you forget what you're capable of. I think that was a really good reminder for me and that I do have a lot of work. I have accomplished a lot. So this could be something that's possible.

what specific results have you ACHIEVED?

“I started from zero clients, and now I have five”

I started from zero clients, and now I have five. That's quite a quite a big jump for the first few months of working freelance.

I have a lot more confidence in myself, not only as a designer, but also in terms of how I communicate with people and how I work with clients. So that's been really great for me.

What did you like the most about working with ROSIE?

“marketing…it’s fun”

I think learning about the marketing, because it's quite fun to do. It's not something I would have maybe thought to do on my own or pushed myself to do on my own. But now that I've had that push, and now that it's in motion, it's a really fun activity. And you can see the clear results from it, it’s a confidence booster. So that's been really helpful.

What's your biggest takeaway from working with ROSIE?

“Rosie really helped me get out of my own head”

The biggest takeaway overall is you really helped me get out of my own head. Because in my old office environment, the office culture had garnered a lot of internal beliefs about myself that may or may not have been true. You really helped me break out of those thoughts and patterns and it really gave me a lot of confidence. I feel a lot calmer nowadays, that's for sure.

“I feel a lot calmer”

What do you think would have happened if you hadn't hired ROSIE?

“I would probably just be scrolling LinkedIn”

I would probably just be scrolling LinkedIn, trying to find a full time job still. In this economy, there's really not so many full time jobs available right now, at least where I'm located in Sweden. So yeah, it's been really great to have the freedom to work with clients all over the world and still be able to live in the city that I love. It's been amazing.

who would you recommend to work with RosIE?

“if you're worried about running a business and being on your own, Rosie will definitely help”

If you've ever thought about freelancing, but the business part scares you, or if you're worried about having the responsibility of running a business and being completely on your own, working with Rosie will definitely help with that. I wasn't really 100% sure that this was going to work out but I was like, might as well give it a go, and it worked out.

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